Most like sprung mattresses
The Latex Mattress is a low-risk pressure mattress but provides unique bounce-back support which makes it easy for transfers. Suitable on any base platform.
Pressure Care
This rating is based on our average peak pressure of <31mmHg. For some high risk clients Icare Zerotec covers are recommended.
Icare risk category ratings are based on average peak pressure, Therapist recommendation, case studies, industry comparison and the Waterlow scale. For some high risk clients Icare Zerotec covers are recommended. The best way to assess a client on a pressure reducing surface is to monitor pressure points with visual checks over a period of 5 days.
Icare Medical Group warrants the Latex Mattress for 5 year limited warranty to the Customer against defective materials and defective workmanship, from date of invoice.
Colors between imagery and actual product may vary, due to manufacturing variations.
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